Sunday, March 18, 2012


I am being reminded that I am not invulnerable. You know, the knee replacement and now the heart thing. It seems I have atrial flutter meaning my upper chamber races along at 130-150 bpm. I just thought I was excited to see my lovely wife, Denise.

Well the Dr's think I need to be perfect, thought I was, and suggested a treatment called ablation. The procedure required insertion of a catheter in the heart to ablat the circuits firing rapidly, causing the rapid heart rate. I being the impatient patient, lying on the back for 3-4 hrs. after the procedure (1-2 hrs)is more than enough to drive me up any wall. The procedure was near painless. After spending a wonderful evening in the hospital I now await the appearance of a Dr. to release me. Sitting and lying around with my tail feathers exposed is not my idea of a good Saturday afternoon. One cannot leave without the warden's release. I keep getting prommises from the fair nurses that he will be by soon but soon has not arrived. YUCK!

Luck continues BAD! Dr. was going to release me but found some V Tach in my chart you know that heart thing. Will not release me without an echogram Tomorrow. Seems this kind of thing can kill. Oh well, just another day in the captive conditions of St. Mary's. While I disagree on some ways they run a hospital, the staff has been so very helpful, courteous and funny at times. I am currently awaiting my echogram event and then most likely more hours awaiting the Dr. again. I would wager they do not serve gram crackers during the procedure.
YEP, the picture here is my doctor who treated me with the heart ablation. Seems quite competent and well recommended by my cardiologist. Strange to say that. I have never been confronted with a health issue I could not treat with selective treatment. You know, where I am in control. I suppose this experience may increase my level of patience, maybe. I do like being in control but the heart has an agenda of its own.

Well the saga will continue, I am sure.
As I read my other daily blogs I am envious of their exploring the southwest desert, waters around Florida, full time RV living and others. Hopefully, I will be amount those folks soon.

Good Day and may the FORCE be with you.

Barry, Denise, Bailey and Bella

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