Sunday, May 5, 2013


Not having any plan for Saturday, the Perdido RV Resort planned a Derby Party.  Well, we did not have any hats.  So, we found an small ad for a wooden boat show at Pirates Cove Marina. So off we go.  Not a clue as to what we will encounter.  The view above is from the outer dock looking back to the marina and restaurant.  Seems a bit tame.  Rest assured, there are pirates about.  The view to the right is a soft sand beach with resting Dog(in front of boat) and view toward the ICW. Still a quiet, restful place.  RIGHT!  Check out the video below. DO NOT TRY THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE.  

We can only explain that Sea Chanties are well accepted form of entertainment at Pirates Cove.  Now, no one was sober that explains the quality of the song and the video.  Adm. Denise did the taping, I kept the beer flowing.  This is a tradition at Pirates Cove, lead by several salty dogs. 

The wooden boat show included about 30 boats of all size and description. The craftsmanship was wonderful as were the owners on hand to explain their craft.  We visited with the owners on this craft.  He spent years building the sail boat and even created the fabric sails from cotton hospital bedroom curtains.   

The view above is the motor mounted in the center of the sailboat in a hole in the boat. The water can be seen so the boat has a hole in the middle.  Works well and displacement keep water out of boat. 
We continued our tour of the boats and this one struck us both as good workmanship and cute.
The little tug boat is about 12 ft. at best and included an outboard motor and pilot house. Remember, all wood. They would not permit Denise to include me riding in the boat. So, we found another boat.
Well, what do you think of my new boat?  Seems a bit unstable but did anchor well.  The colors did match. 
Well, more to come on the Pirate Cove Party but I need to take some aspirin and rest. 
Happy Sailing,
Capt. Barry, Adm. Denise and deckhands Bella and Bailey 

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