"Hello, My Name is Bailey and I need help." Now I try to educate and be somewhat liberal with my pets. Bailey can run around the camp ground, hike and dine with me. She is given every opportunity to "be the best she can be"! I have tried to impress upon her that she has many, many opportunities to excel, unlike many of her breed. However, I feel I have failed.
The picture here was the decisive moment in my discovery of Bailey's problem. I had left her to guard the motor home while I briefly made my way to Grand Rivers for supplies. Upon returning, I discovered she had not only satisfied her thirst, but was quite oblivious to anyone while she dove into her habit. I think she may have reached bottom. The evidence is obvious and she did not try to deny her folly. She was in such a state, that she could not even advance upon the geese feeding within 30 ft. of her. She smelled of stale beer and could not carry on a reasonable conversation.
I have enrolled Bailey, against her protest, in a 12 step program designed for canine rehabilitation. She will be in good company as I have learned many of her breed have fallen. I am concerned in that she will be isolated from us for a few weeks while she undergoes rehab. The facility has well heated dog runs, Massage therapy, feline aversion therapy, dietary training and even a personal hygiene course. She may actually enjoy her stay at the clinic.
I will keep all posted on Bailey's recovery. I am sure you will understand she will not be able to call, email or text anyone during the therapy. It is my understanding that after a number of weeks she will be permitted a "cat" chase, a field trip to a dogie park and possibly some swim time. I know she appreciates all your best wishes and apologizes for any embarrassment she may have caused all her Friends, family and fans.
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