Above is the Lock & Key Bar
Scene of UK Victory
10 years ago: Today:
towels, flip flops, kid stuff umbrella,beer,chairs, bag,sunscreen
three boys beach bag, cell phone
running on beach, splashing sitting in chairs under umbrella, beer, doing
water, fishing till dark beach shuffle(shell hunting)
digging for sand fleas, falling off cereal, coffee breakfast, work on laptop,
skimeboards, fishing till dark, quiet walk on beach, miss our dogs,
eating anything.
Well you might get the idea. Age does seem to change the island routine. Not really a bad thing just a realization of mine on this island visit.
I do seem to give the island time more appreciation. During my earlier life the work load was so great it took a week to relax. Now that my schedule is more sedate, I enjoy each day here without the dread of returning to a grind.
View from the beach our first evening. We do expect this all week. Beats snow and 0 degrees recently experienced in Kentucky.
We are staying in new digs for us. We typically rent a condo for the stay but during the high season rentals are limited. However, we lucked into this duplex cottage and have a great and private beach access. More than enough room for a couple and within walking distance of many island activities.
Well our arduous activities with continue tomorrow. Quietly enjoying the island life prior to sailing aboard 0 Regrets. We have scoped out a local marina for our visit aboard and plan a stay here in coming years.
Happy sailing,
Adm. Denise, Capt Barry, Deckhands Bailey and Bella