The above is the view looking west along the ICW from front of the motorhome. We have that little beach which is nice and great to relax. We are a bit past our beach baking days so the water view and constantly changing boats is perfect for use.
After an easy morning we decided to explore the island. Everyone suggested we visit FloraBama bar or Roadhouse.
It seems the FloraBama is famous for the annual "Mullet Toss" contest. We unfortunately were one day late for the weekend event which attracts some 20,000 fish heads. 

It seems the object of the contest is to fold up a 1 lb. mullet(fish) and hurl it across the Florida, Alabama state line. The roadhouse straddles the line therefore,the event.
We have reliable information that the above contestant did not win the t-shirt contest but was overcome with joy at managing to sleep thru the event. I think they rolled him out of the above truck just to help the fish smell better.
We ordered a copious amount of food with our favorite beers while siting at one of many bars in the FloraBama. While driving here we noticed a young man hitching along Highway 20 with a sign reading "I Love Coffee". Well he was sitting across the small bar from us with his backpack. I am never shy so I inquired about his coffee and hitching. He is traveling to New Orleans for the jazz fest and started his travels in upstage New York 7 weeks ago. He is couch surfing, camping and generally bumming around. Plans to move to Colorado for school completion. Well, I got his picture, he is on the left, I cut my long hair recently. His name is Thaddeus and is enjoying the free life. You just never know who one will meet along the road and rivers.
Our first full day on Perdido Key was enjoyed and we capped the day with our favorite wines while watching boats and the setting sun along the ICW. One day our boat "0 Regrets" will be docked here and we can once again enjoy Perdido Key.
Happy Sailing, Capt. Barry, Adm. Denise and Deckhands Bella and Bailey.