Our long planned visit to Eureka Camp Ground materialized this weekend. Little did we know of the events to unfold during our stay. Now any reader of this blog will understand when I say, "we know not what to expect". That has remained consistent with this adventure.
Having selected a site in advance, after a visit via auto, I arrived prior to Denise in order to prepare an excellent camping adventure. The site was a bit narrow but my motor home skills prevailed and camp was pitched. Denise arrived with our new camper "Bella". Now Bella is our new puppy. A vivacious little mixed or hybrid dog, the breeds of which I cannot spell. However, she is wonderful, spunky and a never ending experience for my companion, Bailey.
Our evening was calm, however, an old man camp by, sporting a long white beard and mentioned collecting animal's, 2 x 2. We experienced rain Friday evening. Saturday was very wet but I managed to use my camping skills, catching a number of catfish, and prepared a sumptuous evening meal. My camping skills are so well honed, that not only did I catch, skin, clean and prepare dinner, I also cleaned the kitchen. What more can be expected from a true explorer such as myself.
However, Saturday evening opened with a "shock and Awe" show not unlike a war zone. We had near 12 inches of rain creating rapid growth of Lake Barkley. Our camping neighbor awoke to water lapping at the rear of their trailer and effected a quick move to higher ground. Now, our site was not in such danger, however, we did move the coach a bit higher prior to our trip to a well prepared lunch at the Lite Side. We will discuss the Lite Side in a future post. As the day wore on, water took command of our site and we to moved to much higher ground. I did see that old man again with quite a few critters following him.
I did use my negotiating skills to convince the park ranger not to disconnect our electric service due to rising water. This paid dividends as we could continue 50 amp power through the night and into Monday. Yes, I did say Monday. I volunteered to stay behind and clean, cook and break camp on Tuesday. Someone has to do all the work. The water has continued to rise, however, I have about 12 inches on the electrical junction before I must disconnect. The damns are releasing record levels or volume of water and perhaps this will keep my site with power. Oh the sacrifices I make.
The camp hosts and range have been more than helpful. We can recommend this site and camp ground to all. The camp ground offers many water front site (even prior to a flood) so bring the fishing equipment. Alas, I must depart tomorrow for more work orders. We have booked a return visit to Eureka in the coming weeks. Hopefully, no more Ark builders will stage a convention in this area.
Happy Trails