Now in support of Bailey, I must define her addiction. She explained it this way "I am interested in Food" Now that was a bit non-committal on her part and I expressed my opinion. She continued, "I am just have a healthy girl appetite. I do not raid the frig at night, scavenge for food in dark alleys or beg on the street. So how bad can this problem be?"
Well, Here we are in Step One with denial. I feel we all will have to address this as an intervention and express our concerns to Bailey directly. Therefore, I ask all to post on this blog or facebook your observations about Bailey's problem. I can translate and provide her with an overview of her "problem".
Alas, she is too close to me and will argue me out of my underwear if I alone try to persuade her to continue in the program. This is a critical juncture, although only the start. I am setting up an email for Bailey and will send to all. While she will not be able to receive email during rehab, I will respond on her behalf and provide verbal messages to her when permitted visits.
The above photo is after 2 weeks into Bailey's treatment. Alas, she was not monitored and found in this condition. She does have a "problem". We thought it may be stimulated by food but appears to be an alcolhol problem. She has not idea we have found this failure. We may not confront her but not comply with her beggings. That smile, soft mussel and kind attention overcomes many failings.
We have changed Bailey's diet. She has nothing but high quality dog food with a taste of the wild. We are hoping this will quiet the craving for her beer and wine. Fortunately, Bailey does not smoke. We can only ask that you keep her in your prayers for the comming months. We have varied her locations in the motorhome and have hopes she will meet other dogs who can help her along her "way".